Its been awhile but I have an internet source again
Last time I wrote I was going to make my costume for Halloweenie and I did! I had bought an old pattern at an estate sale a while back and made some adjustments to the hem, added the straps and opted to thrift a white collared shirt to save some time. I got some tracks to fill in my bob.

You know if you go to Beauty Mart on the blvd they will sell you a couple tracks of human hair in case you can't afford the whole box!?

You know if you go to Beauty Mart on the blvd they will sell you a couple tracks of human hair in case you can't afford the whole box!?

Juan and I went to this shitty dubstep dj party where most of the girls' muffin tops and butts were falling out of their lycra costumes and brosefs in really bad drag. I hope to be far far away from Amarillo next Halloween.

This is my friend
he pretends to be creepy but he is really a nice dude.

These are the lenses I bought from Pinky Paradise
. That's some pretty smexy morning after eyeliner I got going on
. It has been 2 months since my eyebrows have been in their natural state. You can't really tell in the pics but I bleached and colored them dark blue for that night, and now they are green. Well, speckly black and green, unfortunately my eyebrows grow too fast but if I bleach them weekly I will have bald spots.

Thanks to Juan who documented the mayhem, maybe sometime this year I will join the 21st century and buy a camera.
Juan and I went to the flea market yesterday and I got a new weave.

See all that that thread? It has been sewing club whenever Juan and I have time off.

I will have to sew in more tracks to make it look fuller because you can see the cap in the sun but it was so cheap I had to have it. Its really hot though and makes my head itch, plus I have to bleach my brows, so I will only wear it whenever I feel like talking in my baby stripper voice.
I also found this:

"Talk to all yourfavorite girle!"

See all that that thread? It has been sewing club whenever Juan and I have time off.

I will have to sew in more tracks to make it look fuller because you can see the cap in the sun but it was so cheap I had to have it. Its really hot though and makes my head itch, plus I have to bleach my brows, so I will only wear it whenever I feel like talking in my baby stripper voice.
I also found this:

"Talk to all yourfavorite girle!"
Got on the graveyard that is myspace and found pics of when I worked at the Big Boo Haunted House. While I was in mortuary school I joined the program's fraternity and we volunteered at the Big Texan restaraunt's haunted house. I played "Alice in Chains", where I was supposed to be a tortured prom queen and I had chains wrapped around my wrists and would shoot out of a dark corner screaming at the tops of my lungs.
The chains were wrapped around a metal bar so I would deafen the crowd before they would get chased in the following room by a guy dressed in a fat Elvis costume with a chainsaw. It was super fun scaring people and every night they would offer the volunteers money for the best scare and I won $20 every weekend of October!
I started working on my costume this past weekend.
My only problem now is I am going to be all dressed up with nowhere to go.
My only problem now is I am going to be all dressed up with nowhere to go.
hedgehog's dilemna
I am getting ready for Halloween.

Juan bleached my hair after waiting almost to the point of no return. I love my blond hair but I HATE getting bleached. I used a toner that I had never used before so I didn't anticipate being this silver, but its ok because Juan helped me get the perfect blue. This will fade into a powder blue soon. I ordered my circle lenses yesterday night and will get them hopefully in the next 2 weeks. I kind of want to be lazy and just buy a costume online but i don't want to risk looking cheap. I need to motivate myself to make her school uniform!

Juan bleached my hair after waiting almost to the point of no return. I love my blond hair but I HATE getting bleached. I used a toner that I had never used before so I didn't anticipate being this silver, but its ok because Juan helped me get the perfect blue. This will fade into a powder blue soon. I ordered my circle lenses yesterday night and will get them hopefully in the next 2 weeks. I kind of want to be lazy and just buy a costume online but i don't want to risk looking cheap. I need to motivate myself to make her school uniform!