
I went to visit my mama for Easter and hung out with my niece. I bought the headband at a wig/weave shop, it's so cute!
It freaks me out when I see how big my niece is getting, it scares me to think my sister pooped this out of her.

It freaks me out when I see how big my niece is getting, it scares me to think my sister pooped this out of her.

tag : easter
Kept meaning to do this all of March but the internet is a blackhole and I ended up somewhere else everytime I tried.

It was an amazing experience! I got to hang out with the cool catz, scope out places to live, and free music.

Cannot wait til May 15

Matsuo tagged me to write 11 facts about me and answer 11 questions he wants to know, make 11 more questions of my own and tag others to answer, but no tag backs
gracias bebe!

Awkward, unpopular, and a band nerd. I played french horn and told people I was going to be a mortician when I grew up.

A Vtech laptop that came with a mouse. Kind of like this, but not the exact model.

My lappy.

Wake up, hobble to the bathroom, shower, go to work, come back for lunchtime, get high and play on lappy, go back to work, leave for the day around 6 or 7 pm, get high, scrounge for food, rent movies, more lappy time, cuddlebunny time, sleep, repeat.



This is my favorite era. They all play their insrtuments so well and harmonize perfectly. In my next life I would come back as Yuu. I really love her side projects too, she has an amazing vocal ability.
Shiina Ringo
Favorite idol. I got this tour for my birthday from Juan. I would give up my kidney to be able to travel back in time to see this live.

Screaming Tea Party
Please come to the USA again, I will not die happy unless I see you live.

My friend Emmanuel made this, it looks like a Pugh piece.

Tie between Rushmore and The Virgin Suicides.

Very few, but I cherish them.

Yes and I still do. My family was a single parent household so I didn't often get new things. I have thrifted my whole life but I make it work. I envy people that can buy right of the rack without feeling guilty though.
I am breaking the rules and not making a questionaire, but I will think some more on this and post later.