Fumo Blu

We Need To Talk About Kevin.
I always hope that my time embalming without a mask pickled my ovaries.

*seat wetting*

"The way you
smoke, you are irresistible to me, you look like a real man."
smoke, you are irresistible to me, you look like a real man."
February is the month that my debts in this town are going to be paid off. I finally own my lappy as of today! I
my Lappy 2 so much. My momma got it for my birthday from a rent to own place and it took me 11 months to pay it off. I hadn't started downloading any of the music I lost on my other lappy (RIP
Lappy 1) until a week ago because I was afraid of having to return it. I also finished paying off a car title loan that was under my name for my momma today too. I helped her out with some of the payments and swore I would never lend my name again. I love my momma but those places are evil, they have an APR of 316%. At the very end of this month I will be paying off a personal loan I had to get because my truck decided to take a dump on me. I celebrated tonight the good old fashioned American way and bought myself a burger and fries.

I know you are but what am I?

My sister Erica made this, isn't it rad?! It is hanging at a university art gallery in our hometown.

We both share a love affair with Mr. Herman (swoon) .

Oh mother tell your children
not to do what I have done.